All these creatures are unique, hand-made and imperfect. I could say that they are all my own design but this isn’t quite true. They actually tend to design themselves during the process of making. I hardly ever decide beforehand what kind of creature I am going to make. I just start making them and they themselves decide how they want to look.
It’s hard to measure the size of these creatures but the half-inch stripes in some of the backgrounds give you a rough estimate.
- Abigail
- Albi-mini
- Alien
- Alvin
- Angus
- Anthonia
- Balthazaar
- Balthazaar-Elena
- Bat
- BeaTea
- Bella
- Bella-Sunny-Raffy
- Bertha-mini
- Betty
- Blake-mini
- Brooke
- Brothers
- Bruno-Angus-Bertha
- Bruno-mini
- Bumba
- Bumba-Egon
- Camera-etc
- CATS-group
- Chuk
- Conrad
- Cook-bear
- Crafty
- Dan-mini
- Deaf-bears
- Dom
- Doug
- Doug-Abigail
- Edmund
- Egbert-mini
- Egon
- Elena
- Flo
- four-creatures
- Fox
- Frantisek
- Freddie
- Freddie-Sammy-Venczel
- Freya
- Friedrich
- Friedrich-Martin
- Gerry
- Gerry-Chuk-Conrad
- Gnome
- Goldie
- Grandpa-Granddaughter
- Gregor
- group
- Guard-dog
- High-vis-bear
- Hugo
- Igor-mini
- Irina-Edmund-Igor
- Irina-mini
- Joseph-Lafayette
- Joseph-mini
- Koba
- Koba-Alvin-Edmund
- Krala-mini
- Kralfie-Kraus-Krampus-Krala
- Kralfie-mini
- Krampus
- Kraus-mini
- Kraus-Rudolph-Egon
- Lafayette
- Layla
- Leopold
- Lisbeth
- Lisbeth-Joseph-Leopold
- Lisbeth-Leopold
- Lucky
- Luigi
- Luigi-Wooffy
- Maffy
- Martin
- Martin-Krala
- Max
- Meo-mini
- Micky
- Noel
- Noel-Zebede
- Nookie-mini
- Norton-Anthonia-Albi
- Norton-mini
- Pablo
- Pablo-Dom-Yuzu
- Philip-Ruby-Ash
- Pumi
- Raffy
- Rob
- Roberta
- Roberta-Nookie
- Rudolph
- Sammy
- Sammy-Venczel-Dan
- Schubi-Lisbeth-Egbert
- Schubi-mini
- Scruffy
- Seal
- Shelby-Shirley
- Sherby-mini
- Shimmy-mini
- Shirley-mini
- Sitting-dog
- Squirrex
- Stripy-cat
- Sunny
- Teenager
- Tilly
- Toby
- Tom-Squirrex
- Vagabond
- Venczel
- Walter
- Walter-Freddie-Rob
- Wise-bear
- Wooffy-mini
- Yoga
- Young-bear
- Yozubb
- Yura
- Yuzu
- Zachary
- Zebede
- Zut
- Zut-and-Cuddlies