Advert After the Rain
My father says my website is not quite adequate for selling the service I want to sell, i.e. CATS sessions. He says I should listen to my sister who is a marketing expert and follow her advice.
My sister knows that there is no point giving me any advice since I straight up refuse to be part of the ‘modern’ world (social media, etc.), so this is what she told me.
When my sister visited England, she was fascinated by the wandering painted stones that you are supposed to pick up and transfer somewhere else. She said I should do this.
Well, she actually said I should draw the QR code on the stones (I am not sure whether she was joking).
Anyway, I followed my sister’s advice (and my father’s advice – two birds with one stone, literally!) and painted my logo (more or less) on some stones and wrote the website on the underside of them.
Just to make sure, I also put a laminated flyer under each stone.
Under the veil of the night, I carefully placed my wandering stones around the neighbourhood.
And then came the night time heavy rain.
At dawn, I sneaked out to check what was left of my adverts, and they are still there! Quite wet but basically unharmed.
Well, let’s see whether they bring any clients.